Solving challenges using street level imagery in India

Saturday 12:00am, Room 1

Contribution & data collection

(1a) Data contributors: Community

Shravan Shah 30min


With the advent of urbanisation and development in India, communication and technology has penetrated even the remotest towns and villages. What India lacks though is the availability of street level imagery and geospatial data. Better availability of accurate of both can help solving some of the issues.

The intent of this talk is to show how Mapillary and OpenStreetMap is helping to solve these challenges in the world and how can India benefit from the same. There is small community of Mapillary users which has led to significant improvement in gathering street level imagery improving the state of OpenStreetMap in India. The session will focus on the current state of street level imagery in India and the plans to improve it using Mapillary eventually improving OpenStreetMap to solve certain challenges. The talk will also mention the success stories of how Mapillary and OpenStreetMap has helped communities in India and what India can learn from other success stories around the world.